Thursday, March 13, 2003 |
BBC: A global warning has been issued about a virulent flu and pneumonia sweeping hospitals in Hong Kong and Vietnam.
6:35:35 PM
Mork calling Orson: After more than a million years of computation by more than 4 million computers worldwide, the SETI@home screensaver that crunches data in search of intelligent signals from space has produced a list of candidate radio sources that deserve a second look.
3:38:35 PM
Academy Wags Finger at Oscar Campaigns: Ric Robertson, executive administrator of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, said Wednesday that the organization is "greatly concerned about several disturbing campaign tactics" in the current Oscar season.
2:16:09 PM
Yowsa, finally fixed my comments server. Marcus has jury duty all this week, so I've been monitoring the stuff he usually looks after. Turns out there's just too much traffic coming through thanks to the publicity surrounding Adam's Family :-)
Also, euro.weblogs.com is now tracking blognewsnetwork weblogs. remedy was pretty simple, just turned off excessive logging and database saves everyMinute.
12:18:22 PM
Paul Theroux: Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.
Patricia, my wife is 15 years older than I am
9:38:32 AM
It's just porn mom!
9:25:35 AM
If loose lips sink ships, then what do these do?
9:20:50 AM