Wow, I just saw a news item about phonetaps here in the netherlands. I didn't know this, but it's apparently legal for the authorities to tap your phonecalls to your lawyer and use the recorded evidence. If I understood correctly this happens 10 thousand times a year. Chilling.
8:13:05 PM
macosxhints has an awesome tip. Sometimes when iChat AV lacks enough bandwidth for high quality audio chat, it chokes the throughput by degrading audio quality. To let iChat re-evaluate its quality setting implicated by the available bandwidth, just push the mute button and then press it again to toggle the audio on and off -- voila!
6:48:15 PM
Howard Dean: "Mr. President, the time for evasiveness, secrecy, contradictory statements and ducking responsibility is over. As a candidate, you repeatedly pledged to bring honor and integrity to the White House. It's time you fulfilled that pledge by telling the American people the truth."
6:42:34 PM
Yesterday we went out for some more heli-blogging. Target was the Tricolor shipwreck. Everone in Europe is awaiting pictures of the 3500 luxury cars that are to be salvaged in the coming weeks. Operations haven't completely started yet. A new salvage "island" was being towed out to the wreck as we got to the scene, but no cars just yet. The most frigtehning part of our pictorial is the amount of oil that is seeping from the ship. We saw kilometers of dreck, and only 1 ship on cleanup duty while no less than 6 are on salvage duty. How about that for fucked up priorities? I expect the cars to start coming up in about a week, and I'll be there on the scene. Pictures copyright 2003 silicon polder b.v.
5:51:53 PM
I've opened up my static aggregator page as promised. Since 'news aggregator' translates poorly, I'm calling it what is is: LogLezer (blog-reader). Special thanks to marcus for setting up the static rendering.
2:09:28 AM
Wow, missed a day writing! All for good reason. We decided to fly out to the tricolor shipwreck, which contains hundreds of thousands of liters of oil and 3500 luxury cars. The salvage operations are about to begin so we took an early peek. Turns out we had to fly halfway across the english channel! Took some excellent fotos, which I'll post on the blog in the ayem. Tonnes of oil is leaking steadily from the wreck, which porduced chilling pictures. There's also 3000 luxury cars on board, I'll be sure to go back when they start bringing those puppies up :)
1:17:29 AM