I'm really excited about a weblog related development here (The netherlands). We've been receiving a lot of negative press lately, and have been watchinig the flow of information this tiny couontry has.
The 'real" news gets published in the telegraaf, which I have publicly denounced as false based on my personal information. But in reality, anyone who's been interviewed never sees the whole truth represented too their version of the truth back on the written page.
The nasty part is that most journalists in the netherlands are so lazy they literaly just copy-paste any 'news' printed in the telegraaf. Instead of doing any real research, they just quote that it was 'in the paper'. This is probably how it goes in most countries these days.
But today I tried something new. Currently we are happy to do interviews and have several scheduled with other major print publications his week. We only have one demand; that the entire interview is recorded [audio] and posted publicly on my weblog for public refrence.
Guess what, they've all agreed!
This means I can always put the article into context, and anyone can judge for themselves by hearing this 'reality' broadcast on demand.
These audio files, in combination with my weblog posts are turning out to be an extremely powerful tool when it comes to tweaking the traditional media. This recording this is great, because most interviewers tape their own conversations anyway. Now they've gotta be extra sharp when dealing with the facts as they collected them. Denying the recording ofcourse looks equally bad to the journalist, and so the scales have been tipped just a little more balanced than before.
Any ceo should surely take note that the combination of a maintained weblog with recorded interviews (as enclosures in your rss feed!) are very, very powerful.
Fire your p.r. agency now and get with the new deal.
8:34:41 PM