For the life of me, I can't figure out why calls I receive on my (brand new) nokia 3650 aren't being looked up in the contacts directory. I expect the caller's name to appear. No matter what phone I call from, only the number appears, so the Caller ID part is working. I've even tried adding the received number to a new contact, and still no luck :(
11:49:01 PM
Flying always has its problems and there's always something to complain about. Most times, you just bitch to your friends about it. But it you have a weblog and you write about your experiences with an airline, or any product or service for that matter, it's not just your friend who gets to hear the story.
Rita Mae Brown: "For you to be successful, sacrifices must be made. It's better that they are made by others but failing that, you'll have to make them yourself."
12:34:32 PM
Completed the first 'official' Reality Radio® broadcast this morning. It was fun to hear the voices behind many, many comments and blog postings I've become farmiliar with over the past few years. We discussed everything from topical news stuff to personal thoughts, problems and goals. Those of the listeners as well :) I'm going to complete this week doing the dutch show and will probably attemot a similar try-out in english. Stay tuned...
11:59:13 AM