Sunday, January 6, 2002

> Check out Steven Vore's Radio Weblog...   11:28:17 AM  Link    
> Congrats to Wes on winning the Technology Weblog of 2001 Award. Looks like everyone either stayed up late or got up early (like me) to catch the announcement.
[usernum1014]   2:36:35 AM  Link    
> VeriSign offers wait list for domain names. San Francisco Chronicle Jan 6 2002 2:22AM ET
[Domain name news]   1:50:57 AM  Link    
> Garret's galleries are great! Oh, how I want a digital camera... oh yeah.
[blackholebrain]   1:37:31 AM  Link    
>  garret has been been posting his picture galleries from 2001. They are well worth having a look at.
[blivet]   1:35:45 AM  Link    
> Word of the Day: nimiety
[ Word of the Day]   1:16:20 AM  Link