Friday, January 25, 2002

> New Radio 8 feature. Now you can post to categories without posting to the home page. If you have categories enabled, there's a new checkbox, the first one, called Home Page (it effectively becomes a category). By default it's checked. Now you can easily publish multiple weblogs, going to lots of different locations, from one edit box. Screen shot#
[Scripting News]   7:00:42 PM  Link    
> Searchin' for the Surfer's Saint. News that the Pope regards the Internet as a 'wonderful instrument' may revive interest in the Catholic Church's search for the medium's patron saint. By Noah Shachtman.
[Wired News]   5:00:53 AM  Link    
> Orson Welles: "Gluttony is not a secret vice."
[Motivational Quotes of the Day]   4:57:44 AM  Link    
> Alfred North Whitehead: "We think in generalities, but we live in detail."
[Quotes of the Day]   4:53:02 AM  Link    
> Word of the Day: incipient
[ Word of the Day]   4:45:55 AM  Link