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Monday, June 10, 2002
> Mark Pilgrim: 30 days to a more accessible weblog Day 1: Jackie
[dive into mark]   12:41:47 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dave Winer: Maybe it's UseNet? Or the inverse of UseNet?
[Scripting News]    9:46:02 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Dave Winer: Weblogs are different from Usenet. The old techies had good cause to be irritated by the newbies, because they made a mess of a world that used to work. But weblogs are different. A lot of new weblogs doesn't make it harder to read your favorites. This technology is different.
[Scripting News]

Right on! BTW, Dave, Murphy has struck your permalinks.   9:30:53 AM  Link  Google It!