Tuesday, July 2, 2002

> Hoder: Hello World ! is a multi-author weblog written by some Iranian guys. They all have Persian weblogs as well as this new English weblog. Although I don't like long and messy posts and dark designs, this is one of the first English weblogs by Iranians.
[Editor: Myself - Hoder's English Blog]   9:24:14 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dave Winer: Reading this article at Business 2.0 about basic techniques for rising through the ranks at Google got me to check my various rankings, and hey, for the first time ever, I'm the number one Dave at Google. Neat.
[Scripting News]

I'm currently the number eight Jeff on Google — though this weblog is merely number eighteen...   9:09:17 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Alwin Hawkins: OK, I got Radio to accept my settings. Let's see if they stick.
[ViewFromTheHeart]   9:05:16 PM  Link  Google It!  
> I just received notification from CTM Development that The network running the PowerMail discussion list mail server and the PowerMail web server is temporarily unavailable due to the demise of the KPN/Qwest conglomerate, which just shut down its fiber-optics backbone across Europe with a current impact of over 100 000 customers.   5:26:10 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Dictionary.com Word of the Day: intransigent
[Dictionary.com Word of the Day]   1:53:30 PM  Link  Google It!