Wednesday, July 10, 2002

> Congratulations to Marc Barrot who recently passed me on the all-time most-read list:
43. Paolo's Weblog.23,508  Link
44. s l a m23,374  Link
45. Jeff's Radio Weblog23,312  Link
46. Managed Care Daily Briefing21,841  Link
47. Loebrich.org21,813  Link
   4:19:03 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Jamie Zawinski: I remember when RSS was about to completely change the world: the web was going to work completely differently by the end of 1998 at the latest. It's nice to see that something useful is finally coming of it. The handful of sites out there like have all just seemed profoundly useless to me, but being able to dump sites I want to read daily into my LJ friends list is very cool.

Obviously Jamie hasn't been keeping up with UserLand in quite a while...   1:38:32 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Word of the Day: extirpate
[ Word of the Day]   12:43:44 PM  Link  Google It!