Tuesday, August 6, 2002

> Rob Charles' Blogsphere Ecosystem and Phillip Pearson's Blogging Ecosystem are both interesting ways to orient yourself and find new weblogs — taken with a grain of salt, of course...   5:12:58 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Craig Jensen: Marek J's Soapbox is 2 years old today. The Agent of Worst Practice continues to rip it up.
[Craig's BookNotes]   3:54:50 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Rob McNair-Huff. Low End Mac publisher Dan Knight offers a chilling example of the security shortcomings of using PayPal in Hijacked on PayPal. PayPal, a convenient way to exchange funds, an easy way to be robbed.
[Mac Net Journal]   3:38:41 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Brent Simmons: The Navy used to run experiments on my great-grandfather.

Which is why Brent must wear boat shoes.   3:18:21 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Mark Pilgrim: The W3C has published the first working draft of XHTML 2.0. Here's what's new. (141 words)
[dive into mark]   2:39:45 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Oliver Willis: We are their oil bitch, and they know it.
[OliverWillis.com]   11:50:11 AM  Link  Google It!  
> The Register: You read the email, you sent the cash, now wear the shirt.
[The Register]   10:44:48 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Dictionary.com Word of the Day: bagatelle
[Dictionary.com Word of the Day]   12:52:03 AM  Link  Google It!