Saturday, October 26, 2002

> When the Spam Hits the Blogs. The latest trick of bulk e-mail marketers is to hit the referral logs of popular weblogs, and the bloggers are hopping mad. By Michelle Delio.
[Wired News]   10:28:53 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Jake Savin: Here are my pictures from World Series Game 5. They're not very comprehensive I'm afraid, since I was pretty well caught up in the action, but the later scoreboard shots should serve as good inspiration for Game 6: 6-4, 10-4, 12-4, 16-4... Awesome... Go Giants!
[Jake's Radio 'Blog]

Here are my pictures of World Series Game 5. Thanks again, Jake! ;-)   11:44:09 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Word of the Day: palimpsest
[ Word of the Day]   2:38:04 AM  Link  Google It!