Tuesday, January 21, 2003

> Doc Searls: I just read there's a war going on in Cote d'Ivoire. Twenty-five hundred French troops on the ground (does anybody call it an invasion?) while peace talkers convene in Paris.
[The Doc Searls Weblog]   7:16:58 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Congratulations to Karlin Lillington and Scott Loftesness who both recently passed me on the all-time most-read list:
84. [ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]32,440  Link
85. Scott Loftesness32,380  Link
86. Jeff's Radio Weblog32,228  Link
87. Roland Tanglao's Weblog32,169  Link
88. The Trademark Blog31,859  Link
   2:44:04 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Dictionary.com Word of the Day: itinerant
[Dictionary.com Word of the Day]   2:38:42 AM  Link  Google It!