Wednesday, May 28, 2003

> Karlin Lillington: Defective Yeti has a good guide to blogs listing blogs of all sorts (blogsorts?) in some useful categories. If you've been trying to explain to someone what blogs are, this would be a good place to send them. Plus there's lots of sites listed that I've never visited, so it makes a nice explorer's map, too.
[[ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]]   1:15:38 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Ernest Svenson: Wynton Marsalis, the talented jazz trumpeter from New Orleans, has a weblog with an RSS feed. Yes!
[Ernie the Attorney]

To be clear, it's not Wynton's personal blog. It's a Wynton fan blog. But it's still pretty darn cool.   1:18:04 AM  Link  Google It!