Monday, June 23, 2003

> Dave Winer: I sent this email to Adam Curry when I read his reaction to Don Park's post...
[Backend.UserLand.Com]   5:05:01 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Adam Curry: I love RSS. I love my aggregator. I want the two to work in harmony for a long, long time. If I understand correctly, several blogtool vendors are making up their own versions of rss as they go along. Most of these new formats won't work with my aggregator unless adaptations are made. This doesn't make any sense to me, if you want your blogtools to become popular, wouldn't you want the established base be able to read them? Reminds me of railway history, where newcomers developed incompatible 'broad-gauge' trains and tracks. Go ahead and learn from this history, the outcome is as predictable.
[Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]   12:20:29 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Don Park: Although I agree with Dave on the issue of funky RSS, I think he is misusing the word funky. When someone say something is funky, it means it is good in a weird way. Dave is using the word to mean weird in a bad way to be polite. Here is are some straight fast balls: RDF is fucked up, MT is fucked up, Six Apart is fucked up...
[Don Park's Blog]   4:39:41 PM  Link  Google It!