Wednesday, July 2, 2003

> Jake Savin: It was disheartening to learn (via Brent, via Dave) that Blogger is planning on moving away from XML-RPC in favor of SOAP...
[Jake's Radio 'Blog]   11:56:47 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Bill Kearney: "You could use my personal list functions on Syndic8. The lists can be downloaded in OCS, RSS and OPML formats. You can upload/edit the lists via XMLRPC calls. Lists can be public or private."
[Scripting News]   11:51:23 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Rogers Cadenhead: Joel Spolsky is making a bid to be the first publisher on Earth to offer an Echo feed.
[Workbench]   11:45:41 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Don Park: How we interpret what we read is subject to our biases. At the extreme, total blindness occurs, fabricating something entirely different. I am no exception and had many embarrasing moments when such blindness strikes...
[Don Park's Blog]   11:21:30 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Jörg Kantel: Aus Dr. Webs Bastelstunde: »Wie man einen Newsfeed in die eigenen Seiten einbaut und damit Content Syndication betreibt«, anhand des OpenSource-Readers und -Parsers MagpieRSS, und »XML Datei selbst gebaut -- Einen RSS Feed kann man sich einfach selbst basteln und ihn händisch pflegen.«
[Der Schockwellenreiter]   11:12:56 PM  Link  Google It!  
> John VanDyk: If you want to run the Spring Framework on Mac OS X, this might get you started.
[View from an Iowa Homestead]   11:07:16 PM  Link  Google It!