Thursday, July 3, 2003

> Ernest Svenson: If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly is a line from Macbeth about commitment to action. Well, I've acted...
[Ernie the Attorney]   1:17:27 AM  Link  Google It!  
> Simon Fell: There's a post on Sams blog about whether to use xml-rpc, soap and/or rest for the (not)echo weblogging API. And a raging discussion on the Wiki as well. Having implemented the Blogger API, Metaweblog API and RESTLog in the past, I'm all for a RESTful HTTP interface, no SOAP, no XML-RPC. No toolkit required. RESTLog (which follows that model) was by far the simplest of the 3 to develop / debug / get interop.
[Simon Fell]   12:23:47 AM  Link  Google It!  
> DotNetJunkies Got RSS?: "RSS, Real Simple Syndication, is currently in version 2.0 based on the Userland specification. This article will go over the uses of the XML dialect, the channel elements, and a few examples of RSS channels."
[Backend.UserLand.Com]   12:04:08 AM  Link  Google It!