Monday, December 8, 2003

> Jeremy Zawodny: Apparently, Oracle isn't as "unbreakable" as we've been brainwashed led to believe. Oracle confirmed that a variety of its server products could be tampered with through vulnerabilities via the OpenSSL protocol. The flaws could potentially open the door for a remote hacker to cause a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, execute arbitrary code, and gain access privileges. Read all about it in Oracle Issues High-Severity Vulnerability Warning. I always wonder if vendors will just give up someday, realizing that no product is...
[Jeremy Zawodny's blog]

Vendors will never give up as long as there are customers willing, eager and even demanding to buy such nonsense.   4:15:31 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Lawrence Lee: Jan Storms has released an alpha version of a new transaction application for Frontier.
  • to prevent conflicts between threaded read/write operations on the same database objects;
  • to provide a mechanism to ensure aborted write operations do not invalidate data structures.

[UserLand Product News]   10:30:40 AM  Link  Google It!