Monday, January 19, 2004

> Diego Doval: Over the weekend I released clevercactus feedexplorer, a simple free app to browse the data from the Share Your OPML commons (thanks Dave for making this resource available!) and choose feeds that you find interesting, then allowing you to save them into OPML files that can be imported into a news aggregator. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and other OSes...
[d2r]   2:40:17 PM  Link  Google It!  
> Joe Jenett: Remember how silly it was when former Rolling Stone Bill Wyman and his lawyers went after a journalist named Bill Wyman for using his name? The journalist is still allowed to use his own name, though I can't link to the article I found about the settlement due to pop-under poop. Anyway, now we have a 17-year-old web designer named Mike Rowe, who had the nerve to use his own name when he came up with the domain, being bullied by software giant Microsoft link source. Maybe bullied is too strong a word, since Microsoft has kindly offered to pay the young man $10 for the domain name when they (if they) snag it away from him link source. Puleeeeze!
[]   11:58:40 AM  Link  Google It!