
Radio UserLand Mike's Radio Blogifier

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Daily Link Monday, January 21, 2002

My rough-n-ready randomImage Macro!
I think I have it working now! >;]

Ok -- I was bored, so I made this random image macro. It's simple and not much in the way of scalability, but whaddya expect from me!!! I'll eventually rewrite it to use the <%radio.macros.imageRef%> instead of what I've done there, but anyway... if it interests you, here's what you do [or at least what I did]:
  1. Create a folder inside your images folder and name it "random"
  2. Place "JPG" files in there (it'll work with "GIF" files, but you'll have to modify the script) -- named "image001.jpg" up to "image040.jpg"
    [note: i used a cheesy little freeware proggy called batch thumbs to make mine].
  3. Save the following as "randomImage.txt" and place it in your macros folder:
    on randomPix () {
    	local (imgBase = "images/random/image");
    	local (imgRange = string.padWithZeros ((random (1,40)),3));
    	local (imgExt = ".jpg");
    	local (imgName = (imgBase + imgRange + imgExt));
    	local (blogUrl = radio.macros.weblogUrl ());
    	local  (rblogImg = blogUrl + imgName);
    	return ("<img src=\"" + rblogImg + "" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="10" alt="whatever">");
  4. Modify the script if you want to use another naming convention, or if you have more or fewer images, or you have more time than I do, or whatever.
  5. Call the macro using:
    <%randomPix ()%>
11:41:20 PM  Permanent Link  

Rahoo! Radio now pings Weblogs.com for categories... scriptilicious! >;]
3:17:43 PM  Permanent Link  

Yeah! Now that's what I like to hear. (And don't forget those pesky "alt" attributes in the image tags!)
12:24:12 PM  Permanent Link  

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Updated: 4/10/2002; 10:53:28 AM.

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