Created a basic Tool website with some documentation, need to do some screen captures to support the pages.
Working on adding the following cross-platform features and generalizing features:
- Added call to file.getPathChar to set path characters for Win/Mac
- Added call to radio.weblog.getUrl to get base URL for weblog site to update links to web site graphics in gems folder
- Consolidated prefs references to use only two prefs
While testing, I noticed that I did not see any file upstreaming. I looked at the www/directory folder, and saw that Radio UserLand was copying the tool webpages to that folder, and had changed the upstream file to not upstream files. Created a new tool (DirectoryTool.root), copied stuff from Directory.root to the new tool, cleared out the www/directory folder, and was able to successfully generate directories again. I will need to update the template file again so that it does not print the page title as part of the page.
6:41:57 AM