Monday, February 4, 2002

#title Enron

Our Atty General, the Hon. John Ashcroft, has recused himself from the Enron investigation because of $60k in contributions from the company. He has not, however, recused himself from the Microsoft investigation due to $55k in campaign contributions. (source, npr sometime today)

Ignoring for a second the impact of having money buy you love in the government, what does this say about how things should go?

For the price of sixty thousand dollars, or something like 500 shares of stock at it's peak, Enron has managed to avoid having a very visible member of the administration investigate them. Could Microsoft come out and ask for Ashcroft to recuse himself?

What about the other companies that contributed to Ashcroft's political races? (Just guessing here, but since he's from the midwest, I'd bet that he got money from ADM, Tyson foods, amongst other agribusiness that you've heard about in the news lately) Are we going to find that for just about all big companies investigated, all of them have given money to important members of the administration?

I'd bet yes. Will their money buy a recusal? Hard to say. It hasn't seemed to work for Microsoft. Yet.       

#title bah

You'd think the flu could just skip those of us who don't like it and go on to those who want a day off or something.


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