WiFi, Weblogs, Conferences and Journalism
I'm heading out on Sunday to attend the 802.11 Planet Conference and Expo in Philadelphia where I'll be doing two presentations. One presentation will be on June 10, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., discussing how the combination of 802.11 and Weblogs are changing the dynamics of conferences and journalism.
I was a journalist -- focusing on wireless -- for a long time until I became a full-time wireless data consultant in 1996. There is simply no doubt that 802.11 is changing the dynamics of conferences and journalism. At computer and wireless conferences, conference organizers are already getting grief from attendees if they don't have WiFi access. Indeed, at the first 802.11 Planet conference in Santa Clara last year, some attendees were complaining because WiFi was available only in the exhibit hall, not in the meeting room.
Many hotels and conference centers are looking at installing 802.11 in these facilities, but the business models can be difficult. I'm involved in evaluating this and it's more difficult to craft the right business models than you might suspect. I can't/won't reveal confidential information, but it's easy to discuss installing WiFi everywhere when you're not the one having to pay for it and generate revenues! There are many business issues to consider and there aren't quick or assured solutions for some of them.
For a preview of what I'll be discussing, check out today's article about "WiFi Changes Meeting Dynamics," at 80211-planet.
WiFi and cellular
At last year's 802.11 Planet conference I did a two-hour presentation about the new realities of wireless in light of the September 11 attacks and also discussed in detail the entry -- potential entry -- of the cellular industry into the WiFi business. I got good reviews, I believe, for the presentation, but some people wondered whether it was appropriate for me to discuss the mindset and strategies of cellular operators at an 802.11 conference.
Well, times have changed and no one anymore is wondering about the appropriateness! Sprint PCS has invested in Boingo Wireless. VoiceStream has purchased MobileStar. BT [formerly British Telecom] is putting in hotspots around the U.K. In Korea, two carriers are installing a total of 25,000 hotspots. In Scandinavia there are hundreds of hotspots. In Japan, NTT Communications, NTT DoCoMo and Softbank, among others, are installing hotspots. There are many more examples.
My second presentation for 802.11 Planet on June 12, 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., is entitled "Carriers Get Into 802.11: Will They Catalyze Your Business Or Crush It?" The roundtable discussion will feature experts in the cellular industry who will discuss the impact of cellular operators on the WiFi business. Representations from T-Mobile Wireless Broadband (MobileStar under VoiceStream), Telia HomeRun and GoAmerica will be participating.
If you're going to be at the 802.11 Planet event, please stop by to say hello.
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