[Adam Curry: CurryDotCom] points to some good advice for New Year's boozers:
Psychologisch: "Are you planning on toasting the New Year but don't want to drink something that will go straight to your head? If so, pass on carbonated cocktails.
The air bubbles in champagne and carbonated mixers such as tonic water cause the liquid to remain in your stomach longer, increasing alcohol absorption. If you want to keep a clear head, limit yourself to a drink or two and choose a non-carbonated drink such as white table wine.
4:31:02 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this
Timely advice being shared by Cory Doctorow, of bOing bOing fame. (blinked by him via Fark)
Hope you won't need it, but just in case...
A guide to hangover cures from around the world.
1:17:32 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this
[blinked via bOing bOing