Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Shooting ShirtHmm... Note to self: find shooting shirt for Kristen.
1:30:00 PM
VCDs and MPEGsI'm kind of intrigued by the idea of creating my own VCDs from videotapes of basketball games. Here's a faq on the MPEG format. From a coaching standpoint it seems like it would be useful to jump to specific points in a game. The main downside to the format would be length of conversion time.
11:41:00 AM
Bowling TechTechnology is popping up everywhere these days and bowling is as much a candidate for innovation as anything. It's probably been at least twelve years since my local bowling alley (Silver Lanes) added a computer scoring system, but I remember thinking that was so cool at the time compared to the traditional paper and pencil method. Of course my dad did teach me how to properly keep score in Bowling during my freshman P.E. class back in high school (yes, I got an A in his class).
9:29:00 AM
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Jason Gilman.
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2/10/02; 5:48:13 PM.