Jason Gilman's Radio Weblog
Moving right along...

Thursday, September 20, 2001

MacOS X 10.1

Apple has a page revealing all the new MacOS X 10.1 features, but doesn't have an obvious way to get a hold of it. If it's only going to be available on CD it seems like they would have a place for you to preorder it. Maybe that means there will be some electronic options available.

10:06:00 AM    

More Assorted Links

Down and Out - How prominent sites performed following the terrorist attacks:

Broadband in the Boonies, Part II Bad news for Mac Starband users.

The Fink F.A.Q. I used Fink to get MacGimp up and running under MacOS X a while back, but I haven't been keeping up with the latest updates like I probably should be. An impressive amount of progress has been made since I first started using it.

9:39:00 AM    

Thursday Morning Meanderings

InformationWeek has a short article on the latest MS-spawned IT headache: Nimbda's Biography. "This new breed of 'malware' (neither a virus nor a worm, but a blend of both) spreads similarly to Code Red in that once it infects a computer, that system begins scanning for new victims to infect. And, just like the ILOVEYOU virus, Nimda also spreads via E-mail. Nimda can also infect unprotected computers used to browse Web sites on infected servers."

I was taking a sick day Tuesday when Nimda really started making the news, but luckily we only had a couple infections on campus and they were outside my building. When I came back in Wednesday I fully expected my Win2k test server to be infected, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

8:53:00 AM    

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