Well, This Will Help Photo Printer Sales:
The control freaks at Wal-Mart (and apparently other photo processing stores) have started refusing to make prints of pictures that look 'too professional,' according to this story in the San Diego Union Tribune. Quote:
There are a growing number of stories of amateur photographers being turned away by photofinishers for having photos that looked, at least in the eyes of a store clerk, too good to have been taken by anyone other than a professional. Two words: Good grief. (Via Dan Gillmor's blog.)
Dan Gilmore is right, good grief. When you can't get photos that you have taken printed because the processor is afraid of copyright infringement, the copyright law is too harsh. With cameras and photo processing software are getting better daily, you don't have to be a professional photographer to take great shots. Amateurs do fine, just check out Flickr for examples. It is time to bring some good sense back into the equation. But I doubt our legislators and lobbyist are up to the task. Maybe we need some amateurs there as well.
2:21:48 PM