Updated: 12/6/06; 8:38:05 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Big Spaces: "Thoughts after a trip to Montana. Why don't we let another 200 m people into the country over the next 20 years? There is certainly more than enough space and a sufficient number of qualified applicants. Sure, it would be disruptive, but it is creative destruction. The long term economic and cultural upside is enormous."

(Via John Robb's Weblog.)

Lets look at that economic upside. 200 million more people pursuing the American dream of having a big car, a big house and eating nightly at McDonalds. Great for developers, great for car makers, great for oil companies, etc. And shits for the environment (which is what makes Montana a nice place). Montana and Wyoming even with their vast open spaces cannot support that population. Where is the water?

And you can't make those 200 million people live in Montana. They will live in California, because the weather is nicer. California cannot support 200 million, even if that is our projected future.

You have to look at whether a region is capable of supporting the population. California can't support its current population, we are probably one drought away from invading Oregon for their water.

John Robb, you are usually brighter than this. Get a clue.

5:08:02 PM    
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