Kansas Moves Closer to Intelligent Design Curriculum: "A move to adopt guidelines encouraging Kansas schools to teach an alternative to the theory of evolution -- intelligent design -- gains momentum. The Kansas Board of Education has approved a draft of new science standards proposed by supporters of intelligent design. Approval is expected in October."
(Via NPR News: Top Stories.)
Gawd, how did we get to be so dumb?
I have no problem with teaching creationism/intelligent design in schools. Just make sure that it is taught in a theology or philosophy course.
It should not, must not, can not be taught in science classes as an alternative to evolution.
It is not a scientific hypothesis. It is not testable. It does not belong in science classes.
This whole argument is absurd, because we know that evolution occurs. We have been doing selective breeding for thousands of years. Our "Best of Show" dogs, "Prize" bulls and hogs show that species evolve.
But apparently only man and god can be involved in evolution. Random or natural selection doesn't occur.
And now we are teaching our kids this in science class. We are a bunch of morons.
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