Updated: 12/6/06; 8:38:15 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Surprise! SJ rewrites policy, furthers Coyote Valley hyper-sprawl: "Published Tuesday, August 16, 2005, in the San Jose Mercury News Change in"

(Via BATN at Yahoo! Groups.)

Why does this come as no surprise. Developers own this town (city). They make the contributions, and they call the shots.

It is almost funny, but the initial push to pave Coyote Valley came because we had and imbalance of housing and commercial properties. We needed commercial develop in Coyote to ease this imbalance.

Well three years later, that is forgotten. Now that we have built a $40 million road to nowhere, we can now build housing and have it pay for the infrastructure.

I guess that I am most angered by the greed. We have to destroy our resources, just so that someone can make a buck. I am also pissed at our city can't or don't want to understand that continued sprawl will hurt our neighborhoods. Our quality of life decreases with every inch of new sprawl.

It is clear that the city cares more about money than its citizens.

10:16:05 AM    
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