it's getting better : only slightly off the point.
Updated: 6/29/2005; 4:37:12 PM.


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Monday, February 11, 2002

Just in case anyone is paying attention...
10:06:26 PM    

The thing that I love about scripting languages is that you can noodle around with a problem -- writing little snippets of code -- and things just start to work.

And when things start to work, you start building bigger. Soon that half-formed thought is doing more than you thought.

A really good programming environment then lets you take those snippets and move them into their proper places where they can scale better. Now you're lifting heavier weight than you expected.

You start writing with the thought that when you have the idea fleshed out, you'll move it to a more 'serious' language.

But you never do, because what you wrote runs well. You can concentrate on adding more functionality.

It's easy to get used to this.
10:03:17 PM    

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