it's getting better : only slightly off the point.
Updated: 6/29/2005; 4:37:13 PM.


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Thursday, February 14, 2002

Pretty far, I hope :) [Will Leshner's Radio Weblog]

Blog Tennis seems to be the obvious name for this, but being obvious, it is probably already taken.
11:20:50 PM    

I've changed the way that Python Scripts are run. The XML-RPC framework is fast, because you don't have to launch the Python interpreter each time, but there was always the danger that a Python Script could modify the execution environment in a way that would affect subsequent executions. So now I write out a small script that redirects stdout, executes the script, and passes back the results to Radio via XML-RPC.

Slower, but safer. This also means that it works more reliably on OS X.

I've updated the docs here to reflect the new version. Oh yeah, download a new copy if you want the changes.

Next up -- multiple Python Projects.

Want to get working -- integrated debugging, better error message processing, more Radio connectivity
10:40:28 PM    

Forget referer pages. I made it onto Daypop!
2:35:47 PM    

I wonder how far we can take this?
10:43:16 AM    

Oh yeah, talking about obsessing over the referer log, I was really excited when I saw Scripting News show up on top.

Yeah, I'm sick.
10:03:41 AM    

Well, my copy of Radio is remote right now, so I can't update the 'Radio as a Python IDE' story. I feel the need to put a bunch of disclaimers in -- This is NEW SOFTWARE. It's going to be changing a lot in the near future. Things that act one way now will not act that way in the near future.

I have big plans.

Want to help? Let me know.
10:03:40 AM    

A news feed specifically about the Python Tool can be found here.
8:12:40 AM    

Some notes... This is NOT a Mac OS X ONLY tool. I used OS X for development at home, and stole slow time at work to make sure it ran well on WinXP. I have a WinXP screen shot, I just haven't uploaded it. I guess the lack of an OS X Python IDE is why it is getting noticed in the Mac world first...

Also, for the Mac version, I tested it with the MacPython 2.2 build. If you are using the command-line Python, the method I'm using to locate Python will fail (you won't be able to use the File Dialog to navigate to /usr/local/bin or whereever it is). You could try jumping to pythonData.prefs.pythonApp and putting the path in there directly, but Radio wants a Macintosh path, with ':'s, rather than the Unix path that OS X will support but not require.

I'm already having to do a little path hackery when passing file paths to already running Python programs (they want the Unix version), so perhaps there is hope there.

Remember, this is a first release. There are bugs. The bug-free experience probably does not exist right now. To steal a line from UserLand, this is Shitty Software, with Bugs.
8:09:07 AM    

People are noticing the Python tool:

Yes, I've fallen victim to obsessing over my referererererer log.
8:03:08 AM    

Of course, as soon as I let the cat out of the bag about the Python Tool, I start having thoughts about how to radically change things.

Like getting rid of the framework. I can use the whole 'Radio renders Python' idea to new levels.

I can use frontier.openDataFile to implement Python Projects.

I can provide Transcripts and Workspaces. I could do a browser.
1:39:20 AM    

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