Updated: 4/9/02; 7:52:17 PM.

 Russ Lipton Documents Radio
simplex veri sigillum

daily link  Monday, January 21, 2002

I'm not sure yet how I feel about Radio.

I have complex feelings about it much as I do about Frontier, Manila or, for that matter, Dave! Then again, I have complex feelings about my wife and children as well.

As Dave likes to say about the Mets (he knows I am a Mets fan from 1962 and I bequeathed him a ticket to the fifth and final game of the 2000 subway series), they have a philosophy. Indeed. So does Userland.

Unfortunately, we are living in a time when we don't kill philosophers as they deserve but simply ignore them or worse, mock them with 'standards' - death by RDF and WSDL. Committees don't philosophize.

As for me (no philosopher of bytes, me) can I turn philosophy into rhetoric, much though the latter infuriated Socrates? In other words, can I make some bucks with Radio?

I dunno.

I know I did for years with Lotus Notes; that I could if I devote myself to Groove or, for that matter, even with an emerging CMS product like CityDesk.

Does it matter if I can't?

Probably but not certainly. Everyone needs a hobby but I'm already a golfer so ....


  feedback:   3:45:11 PM  permalink  

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Last update: 4/9/02; 7:52:17 PM.