Life Rebooted
An experiment in starting anew

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Tuesday, August 13, 2002

This new iPod has been such a huge investment that I have the tendency to carry it everywhere with me. I believe it's equal parts assuring myself that it is safe and that it is useful. Shopping at the local used CD store for some gaps in my Beatle collection, I found myself wondering whether the red 2-CD set of Beatles hits which I own had everything on the Hard Day's Night soundtrack. For a second, I wondered and gave a mental shrug, "Oh well, I won't know until I get home and compare my memory with the back of the set." "But, wait! I have all that info right here on my hip!" I scanned the menu of songs from that CD and sure enough the Hard Day's Night CD was largely new to my collection. I got a rush from my newfound powers of information access. I wanted more! Mwah-ha-ha!

Since this iPod is sure to be my constant companion, what if I also had a database of every DVD, comic book, and collectible. You name it! Download price guides from to net to carry along with you on trips to collectible shows. Instantly know whether it's a good deal without guesswork! Hmm, that's a lot of exclamation points and I'm beginning to sound like the "bald spot paint" guy, but I truly am excited by the possibilities of this little beaut. I'm sure folks out there with Palms and the like have had access to info like this for a long time, but they've been stuck in a world of meeting minutes and action items. The iPod is intended for personal use by design. I just wish I could do some iPod programming to get it to hold the information I want. I guess I'll have to wait for the next updater to see if my wish comes true.
7:49:34 PM    comment []

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Last update: 8/28/02; 10:33:18 PM.
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