It's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again
"You could probably waste an entire day on the preceding links alone. But why take chances? We also give you Paul Snively..." — John Wiseman, lemonodor
It looks like Radio 8 removed a major piece of functionality: serving a site locally! All the www folder is now is the place to put stuff that gets upstreamed. I mean, that's some "all," true enough, but I was relying on Radio 8 to keep serving my weblog locally, like Radio 7 did. As it stands, anyone who hits my machine, if I have my Radio configured on port 80 as it is by default, gets to a page that lets them post to my weblog! That's a huge security breach and completely unacceptable.
This means, for the moment, that I can use Radio 8 at home like I am now, but cannot use it at work, and that bothers me. A lot.
8:01:27 PM