Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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April 2002
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Sunday, April 7, 2002
At least some employees laid off at Apple this past week weren't in sales and marketing. They're short-staffed enough as is on software development—it only takes a few seconds of looking at OS X to discover the rough edges. Apple must be really hurting. Ouch. 8:41:46 PM | reply []

Had a great time this afternoon at a gathering where, bizarrely, I saw people from about five groups of friends I had never seen together, and met several people I only knew from online. It was a lot of fun, even if none of us could throw a Frisbee more than ten feet straight . Photos here. 6:46:17 PM | reply []

My writing here has been extremely poor recently. Every time I reread a paragraph after posting it, I find missing words, awkward phrasing, and a train of thought that hardly deserves to exist.

Take my most recent post, on HostLauncher. The writing was actually worse before I revised it, but I'll leave it in its present form as an example. I had been awake for 27 hours when I posted it, which undoubtedly contributed to the post's lack of coherence.

Conclusions? I'll attempt to write more clearly, in an attempt to keep what few readers I still have. And I'll stop posting when I'm exhausted. Despite the feeling of accomplishment I get from a public cry of "yeah! it's finished!" after a long night of hacking, my embarrassment at seeing the next morning what I posted should be enough to dissuade me from posting in the first place. 4:15:53 AM | reply []

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