Nicholas Riley’s Weblog
Thoughts from a computer science graduate student,
medical student and Cocoa programmer (this week).

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Tuesday, April 9, 2002
Retrospect was crashing a lot; I think it's an extension conflict. I wish OS X would run on Elmyra or I'd switch it in a nanosecond.

SpamAssassin wasn't working for my father, it turned out it was because his shell was set to /bin/false and it didn't want to create a user config (~/.spamassassin) for him. Fixed now. 9:36:27 PM | reply []

Paolo's Weblog: Shared Outlines: GUI: Yeah! This looks terrific! 8:32:32 AM | reply []

Why the hell do microsoft products make so much damn noise? [Steve Zellers' Radio Weblog]

The post continues to complain about Word making a noise when you save a file. Personally, I find this very useful and wish more applications would do it. Not everyone is trained to look up at the File menu flashing, and it can be annoying to have to switch your focus from the document you're working on.

Until the save sound was introduced in Word 97/98, my mother always used to save by the File menu rather than a keyboard equivalent so she was sure it worked. I'm sure this feature was motivated by similar observations by the folks at Microsoft. The monopoly, yes, well... 8:31:32 AM | reply []

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