Hey, can anyone out there read Hungarian? 8:52:44 AM Even though it is nowhere near ready for prime time, I invite you to preview my new photography website: PhilAckley.com 12:33:31 AM For the last two years I have been bitching and moaning because we havn't had a "Real Alaskan Winter" but now that its 10 below zero and my pipes are frozen, I am soooo ready to eat crow. 10:32:03 AM A couple of weeks ago, I went to Washington to visit my mom, and arrived in the mdst of major flooding.
Last Sunday, I took a flight seeing trip around Denali. It was absolutely breathtaking.
But remember, when you are taking photos at 22,000 feet, be sure to wear your oxygen mask.
Well, tonight turned out to only be partly shitty--six on a scale of one to 10. Thank God for small blessings. 11:12:53 PM