Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, Australia, Sydney, Newtown, Charles, Male, 26-30!

Updated: 27/9/02; 9:19:42 AM

The Desktop Fishbowl
tail -f /dev/mind > blog

Thursday, 5 September 2002

Webloggers Meetup

Unless nobody signs up and the whole thing gets cancelled, (or they decide to hold it at the Newtown Arms) I'll be at the Sydney webloggers meetup on Wednesday the 18th. Live in Sydney? Come along. Anyone who mentions Java, XML or Dave Winer has to buy a round.

12:00:11 PM    

Dave is also now working on a Java implementation of Radio Community Server. Charles started working on this a while ago, but I'm not sure how far he got. You guys should collaborate with each other, and with Roller! Java-Radio man!


My implementation of xmlStorageSystem was up to the point where radio could register itself as a user, upload/delete files, and keep track of the most recently updated weblogs on the server. It uses Apache XML-RPC, and Hibernate for persistence (hooked into hyper-squirrel right now, but with hibernate that's just a configuration issue). I'm quite happy to share the code (as un-pretty as it might be) with anyone, since I've been neglecting it so badly. Just drop me a line.

I also had a lot of good ideas how a radio server could be improved, so if the project takes off, I'd like to at least contribute.

Edit: Oh, and I had the "mail to blog owner" stuff set up, too

11:37:21 AM    

Sam Ruby explains where he would take RSS if he were king of the world. Imho, he punts on the hard decisions, but maybe that's not so bad. [Scripting News]

Now, given a few minutes digging through the recesses of my memory for my sketchy recollections of American football, I can almost work out what “punts on the hard decisions” means. Ward's Wiki has a page on this: AmericanCulturalAssumption.

7:13:17 AM    

From my livejournal, a somewhat stream-of-consciousness rant, why I don't expect to turn the television on this September 11th..
6:46:57 AM    

September 2002
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Aug   Oct

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blogchalk: Charles/Male/26-30. Lives in Australia/Sydney/Newtown and speaks English.

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