This radio weblog is now defunct. It has ceased to be. It has expired and gone to meet its maker. There will be no more posts to this weblogs, except the ones I make now and then to bug anyone who is still subscribed to my RSS feed.
Short version: New homepage, New RSS feed: Things that are broken will be fixed anon.
Long version.
I installed Moveable Type on a local hosting provider, and pointed my own domain at it. I wrestled for a long while with the Radio to MT exporter, which was sufficiently locale-unaware to create the wrong kind of date formats. Much Perl hacking ensued to munge the file into something workable, but eventually I transferred all 254 of my weblog posts dating back to January 2002 from Radio Userland to MT.
I also wrote my own quick-and-dirty exporter to dump all my LiveJournal posts to an MT-compatible file. In much shorter order (if you want something done properly, do it yourself), I had transferred all 582 of my livejournal posts dating back to August 2000 to MT.
As a result, the new blog has a slightly more varied range of content than this one. I will endeavour to create category-specific RSS feeds once I'm used to the new software enough to get away from the custom template.
So please, if I'm on your blogroll or in your RSS aggregator, please update as noted above. Mike, I would be most obliged if you changed my link in the Java blogs page.
10:25:41 PM