Hello. If you can read this, you've reached a weblog that is no longer being updated. I've moved.
For people visiting this page over the web, all the new stuff is being posted over here, on The Fishbowl
For people reading my RSS newsfeed, you now have not one, not two, but five different RSS feeds to choose from. They're listed in the right-hand sidebar of The Fishbowl, but I'll list them here, too.
This is my personally preferred feed, an RSS1.0 feed of all the posts I make, but only with excerpts instead of including the whole post in the RSS file. You have to visit the site to read whole posts, but it's a good headline-ish feed.
I also have some RSS 0.91 feeds. Since The Fishbowl joins together both my Livejournal and my geeky weblog, I have provided “nerd feeds” that only contain the sorts of things I used to post to this Radio blog. Alternatively you can subscribe to the full feed and get the benefit of my insights into things not computer-related.
8:24:45 AM