Mike Cannon-Brookes
It may be just my newbie-ness - but does Radio sometimes duplicate news (or bring back deleted news) in the Aggregator?
It's a side-effect of the way RSS works.
Most likely, you're seeing the result of someone editing an old entry. If someone modifies a weblog post, the aggregator will show it to you again, as there's no way of it knowing that you've read something similar before and deleted it.
This can get particularly annoying with Doc Searls, who doesn't divide his daily weblog into different entries, he just edits a single entry in place. Every time he updates, you get Yet Another Copy of his really long post in your aggregator, and you have to try to work out what changed.
On the other hand, it's quite possible that now and then Radio might forget you've already seen something, and show it to you again. In this case, I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. :)
4:01:54 PM