"Bicycle infiltrators" threaten Marin Ave, Berkely Hills
"Bicycle infiltrators" threaten Marin Ave, Berkely Hills: "Published Tuesday, December 14, 2004, in the Berkeley Daily Planet Two Lanes on"
(Via BATN at Yahoo! Groups.)
A new candidate for stupidest article ever. It misrepresents every argument about the Marin Avenue reconfiguration and proposed no alternate solution to the problems that the reconfiguration is designed to solve. As was posted in an email to the Albany Transit list, Marin Avenue is 1.22 miles long. Therefore:
At 45 mph it would take 1 minute and 36 seconds to drive this distance.
At 37 mph it would take 1 minute and 57 seconds to drive this distance.
At 25 mph it would take 2 minutes and 53 seconds to drive this distance.
The savings in drive time, as compared to the posted 25 mph:
37 mph: 56 seconds.
45 mph: 1 minute and 17 seconds
Even if traffic got all tied up and averaged 15 mph, it would still take
only 4 minutes and 48 seconds to make the trip, only 3 minutes and 12
seconds longer than the 45 mph trip.
The article blames the reconfiguration on some all powerful bike lobby. I don't believe it; as I undertand, at least in Albany, the plan grew out of community concern for the dangers -- considerable -- pedestrians face when attempting to cross Marin. I'm a biker, but I doubt even with the reconfiguration that I'll want to ride Marin. As a pedestrian, though, I know I'll much prefer crossing it then that I do now.
10:46:41 AM Permalink