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  Monday, June 06, 2005

Max Blumenthal documents Sean Hannity's cozy relationship with a right-wing racist.

During an August 1998 episode of the show, Turner reminded Hannity that were it not for the graciousness of the white man, "black people would still be swinging on trees in Africa," according to Daryle Jenkins, co-founder of the New Jersey-based antiracism group One People's Project. Instead of rebuking Turner or cutting him off, Hannity continued to welcome his calls. On December 10 of the following year, Turner called Hannity's show to announce his campaign to run for a seat in the US House of Representatives from New Jersey, and to attack his presumptive opponent, Democratic Representative Robert Menendez, as a "left-wing nut."

(Via Oliver Willis - Like Kryptonite To Stupid.)

8:25:31 PM    comment []

One week ago it was Riverbend slam-dunking over the head of Tom Friedman; today, courtesy of reader Helga, it's Greg Palast continuing Friedman's humiliation in an article about globalization, France, India, and more.
"There is, of course, a hopeful, growing India where the much-heralded cyber work is based. But, Mr. Friedman, please note these brains for hire are found in Karnataka and Kerala, states whose cussed adherence to social welfare makes them more French than France and nothing like Thatcherized dog-eat-dog Britain nor Reaganized America.

"The computer wizards of Bangalore (in Karnataka state) and Kerala are the products of fully funded state education systems where, unlike the USA, no child is left behind. A huge apparatus of state-owned or state-controlled industries, redistributionist tax systems, subsidies of necessities from electricity to food, tight government regulation and affirmative action programs for the lower castes are what has created these comfortable refuges for Oracle and Microsoft.
"It is too bad that the Times' opinion columns have not been outsourced to India. Were it so, a Keralite might explain to Friedman that human advances are measured not by our willingness to crawl lower and lower to buy ourselves a job from Bill Gates, or by counting the number of Gap outlets in Delhi, but by our success in protecting and nurturing liberté, égalité and fraternité among all humanity."
This has been just a sampler; the entire article is well worth reading.

(Via Left I on the News.)

8:22:55 PM    comment []

(Via Sploid.)

8:20:03 PM    comment []

Fun illustrated history of Dylan's guitars (1pg via JWalk)

(Via robot wisdom weblog.)

8:06:08 PM    comment []

FBI entrapment of US 'jihadists'(CPunch)

(Via robot wisdom weblog.)

8:04:47 PM    comment []

Way cool multi-exposure analemmas (astronomical figure 8s) (Greece via Xplr)

(Via robot wisdom weblog.)

7:30:19 AM    comment []

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