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  Monday, September 04, 2006

Carbon dioxide levels are substantially higher now than at anytime in the last 800,000 years, the latest study of ice drilled out of Antarctica confirms.

7:48:43 PM    comment []

How can anyone write sentences like this? Find the reality in there. I guess I'm not the "Thinker" this guy is.

The media have been filled with malevolent attacks on George W. Bush for six years, not hesitating to undermine and sabotage his foreign policy in the most flagrant and unprecedented way. Today%u2019s troubles in Iraq and Iran are due at least in part to the fact that terrorists and tyrants need no propaganda apparatus of their own: The New York Times and Washington Post will do it for them. Propaganda is the lifeblood of terrorism, and the media have been feeding our enemies what they need most.

In what universe does this guy live?

6:51:50 PM    comment []

The SF Chronicle did a roundup of cool web 2.0 sites, and we made it!

It's by Dan Fost and Ellen Lee.


Web address:

Where they are: Berkeley

What they do: A TV Guide for Internet video, the site lets users tag and rate clips found throughout the Web. Viewers form communities based on their interests, helping sort the Web's top videos on such topics as baking a dessert and Japanese animation.

The skinny: Even before the company's premiere, Dabble Chief Executive Officer Mary Hodder was quoted in Newsweek and featured in a series of technology conferences. Now it must prove that it can easily help users find the gems without wading through all the junk on the Internet.

The competition: Though it counts YouTube and other online video sites as its partners, it also competes with them for attention in this crowded and popular space.

(Via On Lisa Rein's Radar.)

6:48:21 PM    comment []

Consider the headlines…

 * Terrorism prosecutions have fallen back to pre-9/11 levels. A new report notes, "In the eight months ending last May, Justice attorneys declined to prosecute more than nine out of every 10 terrorism cases sent to them by the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and other federal agencies."

* Attacks and civilian deaths in Iraq have risen sharply in recent months, with casualties increasing by 1,000 a month, and sectarian violence has engulfed larger areas of the country, the Pentagon said Friday in a strikingly dismal report to Congress.

* The number of roadside bombs, sectarian attacks, and daily strikes have all gone up in Iraq, and a new NIE may be even more startling.

* Ali al-Sistani has now "abandoned attempts to restrain his followers."

* Despite the president’s audacious claim that the Taliban "is no longer is in existence," and the president’s allies who insist that "things are going swimmingly in Afghanistan," the reality is both of Bush’s wars are going in the wrong direction.

– Guest Post by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report

(Via Crooks and Liars.)

4:23:17 PM    comment []

AMERICABlog points out the Republicans were fairly indifferent to terrorism when it was Bill Clinton in the White House:

CNN, July 30, 1996

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, emerged from the meeting and said, “These are very controversial provisions that the [Clinton] White House wants. Some they’re not going to get.” ….[Hatch] also said he had some problems with the president’s proposals to expand wiretapping.

So Bill Clinton, rather than just breaking the law as Bush did (then again, perhaps this is why Bush broke the law - he knew from history that the Republicans controlling the congress would oppose his efforts to expand wiretapping), decided to go to the Republican congress in 1996 and ask them for increased authority to do more eavesdropping in order to stop the terrorists - stop September 11. Senior Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, one of the GOP’s top picks for the Supreme Court and a GOP committee chair, objected.

The Republicans stopped President Clinton from getting all the tools he needed to stop the next September 11 - well, no, actually they opposed giving President Clinton all the tools he needed to stop the actual September 11. Could September 11 have been stopped if the GOP had given President Clinton the tools he requested to stop Osama and Mohammad Atta from killing 3,000 people in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington?

Maybe we need to ask the Republicans up for re-election why they wanted to appease the terrorists?

President Clinton urged Congress Tuesday to act swiftly in developing anti-terrorism legislation before its August recess.

“We need to keep this country together right now. We need to focus on this terrorism issue,” Clinton said during a White House news conference.

But while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-terrorism measures.

There’s even an audio clip of President Clinton practically begging the Republicans to give him the tools he needed to stop Osama and the terrorists. Trent Lott said no. Orrin Hatch said no. Do these men really deserve to run the Congress during a time of war?

(Via Suburban Guerrilla.)

4:21:32 PM    comment []

For the benefit of those who have forgotten.

(Via Brilliant at Breakfast.)

11:13:45 AM    comment []

If you have the day off -- most of us do -- ask yourself if was liberals or conservatives who brought us labor day? Do you imagine that it was conservatives who proposed a day honoring labor, and that liberals opposed it?
11:11:22 AM    comment []

This polling trend is probably why the White House has launched its desparate bid to tie Iraq/Iran/Al Qaeda together into the mushy, impossible construct of Islamic Fascism.

Angus Reid: In the long term, do you think there will be more or less terrorism in the United States because the U.S. went to war in Iraq?

More - 60%, Less 31%.

You know they must be looking at similar internal polling (and crapping themselves.) That's why the Republicans on the Hill are going to be focusing solely on "security" issues over the next month.

Nothing like rushed, politically motivated legislation to make the country safer, eh?

(Via Born at the Crest of the Empire.)

10:32:18 AM    comment []

Mark Steyn is a moral midget, decrying the Fox journalists for saying they were converting to Islam, unlike some more courageous fictional characters in a novel he read as a boy! Glenn Greenwald has a masterful takedown of him here:

So, to recap: The West is like a 16-year old girl assaulted by aggressive Middle Eastern men - weak, vulnerable, humiliated, and in submission. Gay hedonist Andrew Sullivan, along with the bound and submissive Fox journalists, are the symbols of the weak, decadent West which Steyn so despises -- devoid of any manly values and courage. Each week, Steyn screeches that we must wage war -- aggressive, unrestrained, manly glorious war against our Enemies -- because the alternative, which he fears so deeply, is to be a 16-year-old submissive girl or a gay Andrew Sullivan -- the men without chests, as Warren put it. You can find this transparent dynamic in most warmongering screeds these days.

The ironies of this disturbed war dance are virtually infinite, the most obvious one being that the Steyn Warriors can never point to any sacrifices they make or risks they incur. But the most striking irony is this. So much of the neoconservative warrior cries are built on an ethos of deep fear, of exactly the desperate desire to be protected and saved which Steyn and company claim is the hallmark of the girlish, soul-less West. As they strike the warrior pose, they are desperately willing, even eager, to fundamentally change the character and principles of our republic and to sacrifice the core liberties which define it because they are scared and want, more than anything else, to be protected.

9:46:18 AM    comment []

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Last update: 10/1/2006; 10:38:20 AM.

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