Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Sunni Maravillosa -
A So-called Third World Country Beats the U.S. - Most of the
prescription drugs available in America can be purchased in Mexico,
for less money, without a prescription. [sunni]
These experiences were revelatory for us; we knew that the FDA's power
is overweening, but until one gets out from under it and experiences
greater liberty -- and its concomitant responsibility -- it's hard to
grok just how controlling the FDA and resulting health-care system is
in this country. To be fair, though, the Mexican culture is quite
different from the U.S. At the time of our visit, the idea of popping
a pill for every little atypical twitch or potential problem with
one's body was unheard of. Naturalistic remedies were much more
common, as is the very sound practice of allowing time and rest to
heal a body. It was very difficult for me to return to the U.S.,
knowing that I would again be subjected to the paternalistic,
power-sapping medical practices many Americans view as normal and
civilized. I'll take the real civilization of Mexican health care any
day. If only they were more sensible on RKBA ...
[End the War on Freedom]
A followup to the earlier post.
11:39:46 PM
Sunni Maravillosa at The Price of Liberty -
The FDA is Going to Kill Me - Sunni could handle most of her
medical problems herself, if the f.d.a. were to disappear so that she
could purchase what she needs on the open market without the need to
consult an expensive licensed doctor, who doesn't know nearly as much
about her problems or what works for her as she does herself. Once
again, democracy = murder without Bill of Rights enforcement to stop
these usurpers of private property rights (your body is your property,
hence you have the absolute right to imbibe anything you desire,
without signing one scrap of paper or asking anybody's
permission). [sunni] [End the War on Freedom]
3:14:28 PM
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Ken Hagler.
Last update:
2/15/2006; 2:03:40 PM.