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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Revamping Freenet.. Revamping Freenet. N3wsByt3 writes "Many will have heard about the anonymous P2P-system Freenet. What many probably don't know is, that a big change is at hand: the Freenet developers have decided to drop all support for the 0.5x version, to skip version 0.6 and to completely revamp the 0.7 build into some kind of poorly described, presumably scalable darknet. The main coder even threatened to quit if such a darknet would be rejected. So, is it finally going the right way with the development of Freenet? Maybe not, since they seem reluctant to provide real data and rather rely on security through obfuscation, and then there is still the problem of their general inability in regard to pooling human resources, which, for any OSS project, is of the utmost importance." --- Obviously, the article submitter has his own feelings on Freenet, but notwithstanding that, what's the latest scuttlebutt from within the Freenet crowd? [Slashdot] [Privacy Digest: Privacy News (Civil Rights, Encryption, Free Speech, Cryptography)]

Interesting, but I didn't find anything about it on the Freenet site.
10:48:11 PM    comment ()

Backscatter X-Ray Machines.

Air travelers stripped bare with X-ray machine: Electronic strip search, coming to an airport near you.

Security workers using the machines can see through clothes and peer at whatever may be hidden in undergarments, shirts or pants. The images also paint a revealing picture of a person's nude body.

And here's a little lesson in marketing: when you're pushing a product that is inherently invasive, and some would say degrading, do not call your company "Rapiscan."

Seriously — that's what the company that makes this system is called. It shares the first five letters of its name with "rapist." I'm not a marketing guru, but it strikes that that's a pretty stupid name for this company.


Anyone want to bet on how long it takes after these things are introduced before the Airport Gestapo starts posting nude photos of female air travellers on the Internet? I figure eight hours, possibly less.
6:34:51 PM    comment ()

I've updated my "PGP key" with a new encryption subkey.
10:51:48 AM    comment ()

The election for Mayor of Los Angeles is being held today. I'm not planning on voting, as both candidates are socialists. In fact, I've pretty much been ignoring the whole thing.

However, I do get quite a bit of junk mail from one of the candidates, Antonio Villaraigosa. If I didn't know better, his ads would have convinced me to vote for his opponent! He keeps sending me junk about how he's been endorsed by this or that socialist politician or organization, and how the LAPD supports him. Yesterday I got one talking about how his opponent, incumbent Jim Hahn, hasn't done anything during his time in office.

It's ironic that a candidate's own propaganda makes him look so bad that, if I hadn't known anything about him, it would be enough all by itself to cost him my vote.
10:26:07 AM    comment ()

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