Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
People should not fear their governments; governments should fear their people.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Charity: It's a crime. Donald Devine exposes how the federal government discourages doctors from providing charity care. If a doctor bills a patient less than the doctor would bill Medicare/Medicaid for the same treatment, the government will accuse the doctor of fraud. Thus,... By Norman Singleton. [ Blog]

This isn't surprising. After all, a patient who receives charity care is a patient who isn't dependent on the government for care.
12:18:02 PM    comment () trackback ()

Protecting the Little Guy. An NBC News consumer reporter busts two tax preparers who helped a part-time waitress who earned $11,000 last year get... [Hit and Run]

Something to keep in mind when evaluating the honesty of NBC News reporting on the government.
12:08:24 PM    comment () trackback ()

Holding back the tide. " have to have the state with a monopoly on power..." Condoleeza Rice. Guardian: Iraq's interior ministry is refusing to deploy thousands of police recruits who have been trained by the US and the UK and is hiring its own... [John Robb's Weblog]

Somehow I doubt there will be any outcry over the Secretary of State making such a blatantly anti-American statement.
11:40:13 AM    comment () trackback ()

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