Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Well, so much for the rumored AMD/Apple thing. This Infoworld article is the only one that I have found so far that mentions the keynote from today.
3:42:49 PM    

I am finding that I often do not do a good job of composing email for the particular person that I am writing that email to. I was thinking about this subject this morning. Thinking that I spend a lot of time writing each email message, crafting the sentences, and then reading and re-reading the message to make sure that I have been clear in what I am attempting to say and that there is little chance of misinterpretation. I was then mentally complaining to myself that people do not read nearly as carefully as they should. It seems every day that someone misreads something I have written in an email, and I am forced to send additional email messages attempting to more clearly explain what I was trying to say. A couple of hours later I realized that I was composing each email as if I was writing it to myself, not to the particular person to whom the email was going. It's my careless writing, not your careless reading. Sorry everyone.
10:35:57 AM    

  1. Ninjas are mammals.
  2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
  3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

9:34:59 AM    

Mac Observer is reporting that TechTV reported that Apple and AMD are going to make some sort of announcement today last night. They also point out that Darwin x86 does not currently run on AMD processors, and that this may be an announcement that Apple is going to start supporting them. Of course, if that is the announcement, it could also be Apple hedging their bets in public to send a message to Motorola.
9:23:46 AM    

The rumor I am hearing this morning from Comdex is that Apple and AMD are going to make some sort of announcement at this morning's keynote address. I guess you could speculate somewhat as to the nature of the announcement, but with the obvious processor differential between the current line of PowerPC based Apple hardware and stadard Wintel PC's, I can only think that this means Apple will be releasing machines based on AMD's Hammer processor line. I'm surprised, based on how I heard about this, that I haven't seen any coverage in the Mac OS community yet. Perhaps it is because Comdex is not normally an Apple event. Update: AMDZone has reported that there is a large Apple presence at the event. This is the first other report about this topic I have been able to find.
9:05:40 AM