Another day, a new chance!
The long hunt is done, I have landed. How things go and if this is where I stay is up for grabs. I am doing sales, with all the trials and joy that goes with it. Time will tell how it turns. I only know that I will never return to this place again.
My wife has agreed to Marriage Counseling. Only time will tell if this is a serious effort to repair the wounds. Nothing would make me happier, but on the other hand I wish to see resolution to this period of my life. The job thing is pass, now I need to get the relationship issue taken care of. I do not expect easy resolution, but I will be content to see a chance to rebuild, or move on.
I also owe a great debt of gratitude to all the friends and family who have helped take care of me over the past two years -- I love you all...mj
7:27:25 PM