I got this today in my email...
It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having "In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why don't we just tell the 14% to Sit Down and SHUT UP!!!
[attached picture showed two kids praying in front of an American Flag with the words "Under God" above them]
If you agree, pass this on, if not delete...
No, I do not agree!!
This was a nation founded on the principle that we are free to practice our faith as we see fit, not to have it imposed on us by any group, be they a majority or minority. My opposition to the use of these phrases has nothing to do with your faith, or desire to worship, it is simply an honest expression of true patriotism. Men and woman have died to secure us the freedom to practice the varieties of faith that gives this nation it's strength, and it's character. Why diminish it?
Most of the Founding Fathers were Humanist and not religious in the way that fundamentalist would like us to be. It is for this reason that you see the separation of church and state in the Constitution. They remembered why this nation was founded, and why so many came to this land to flee the religious oppression of Europe. Why would we want to turn the clock back by imposing on others. If you take away their right to believe as they choose, then you are just as bad as those who forced your ancestors to this country. What if this nation became majority Muslim, would you feel the same when they changed the pledge to read Under Allah? What if we became majority Atheist, would you like it to read Under No God?
I am proud that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned this obvious attempt to add religion to a pledge that has nothing do do with God. The pledge is a statement of belief in the founding principles of this nation. It should have been left exactly as the original writer intended, but in our desire to wipe out Godless Communism we had to make it a public prayer. By that act we sought to say that you were not an American if you did not 'believe' in the approved fashion. That attitude defies the very foundation of this great nation...mj
10:56:12 PM